Every order or sales transaction you create on FoodByUs is recorded in your buyer’s invoice statement which is system-generated at checkout. You can access all your supplier invoices (Partnered, Direct or External) from your Invoice Hub.
Your invoice consists of three parts:
- Your customer details
- Your order’s total amount due; and
- An itemised breakdown of your order
To view & download your invoice:
Step 1:
In the side bar menu, go to Finance > Statement & Invoices

Step 2:
Your Invoice Hub shows key information about your invoices at a quick glance. You can see invoice due dates, invoice status, if your invoice has synced to your Accounting Integration and more. Sort your Invoice Hub any way you want.

Step 3:
Filter for invoices for a chosen period of time. You can also set custom filters and search for a specific invoice by entering the Reference Code (Code starts with NSW, VIC or QLD).

Step 4:
Once your invoices are automatically synced to your Invoice Hub, you can download them and view them in your accounting platform.